Boat reportedly explodes in Cheat Lake
Officials say a boat exploded in Cheat Lake Sunday.(WDTV) CHEAT LAKE, W.Va (WDTV) - Officials from Cheat Lake Volunteer Fire Department (Co. 14) confirm a boat exploded Sunday afternoon.
Officials also say there were multiple transports.
Adam Romesburg, who was fishing at Cheat Lake’s Mt. Chateau Rd. dock when the incident occurred, said he saw a large parade of emergency services vehicles travel through Mt. Chateau Rd. at around 7 o’clock.
“We thought someone was in trouble,” says Romesburg.
“We didn’t see anything except for all the emergency vehicles coming, for that many fire trucks and police cars, especially the ambulances - there were five or six ambulances as well, we knew there was some kind of big accident with boats.”
This is a developing story. Stick with 5 News for updates.
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